SME-Startup Connection Tour

Special projects

Where well established SMEs and tech startups meet to innovate across Quebec!

Where well established SMEs and tech startups meet to innovate across Quebec!

Quebec Tech's primary goal is to enable commercial success for tech startups on the international stage. However, it is essential to first achieve provincial success and increase the number of early adopters of Quebec technologies.

A Collaborative Project

That's why we've launched the Startup Tour project. We collaborate with ERACs (Regional Acceleration and Growth Spaces) throughout Quebec, the Living Lab Lanaudière, and Business Accelerators and Incubators. With these partners, we are able to identify manufacturing SMEs, their technological innovation needs, and the startups that have the solutions to address these challenges.

A Win-Win Project

Indeed, startups are looking for potential clients for their products or services (early adopters), companies that will trust them and allow them to validate their business ideas and technology. On the other hand, Quebec SMEs are in need of innovative solutions, new talents, and expertise.

A Simple and Effective Process

1. We assess the needs of SMEs and look for startups that offer suitable solutions.

2. After a virtual meeting with each startup, the SME can select 2-3 high-potential startups to meet in person in their region.

3. Finally, they can co-create an innovative partnership during the Tour's visit to their region.

We’re kicking off the Tour in the Laurentians and Lanaudière!

We are currently recruiting tech startups that wish to collaborate with companies in these two regions. Networking events will be held in person in September with Connexion Laurentides and in October with Living Lab Lanaudière. 

Seize the opportunity to meet your next client among companies from the Laurentians and Lanaudière. Apply here.

Do you want to discover concrete examples of first-time adopters?

Subscribe to our newsletter. We will keep you informed of the main stages of the startup tour.

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