The Québec Tech experience

We accelerate the growth of startups with strong export potential by putting sales at the heart of their development. With custom action plans, rapid access to special resources and top-level expertise, we give startups the means to achieve their export ambitions and shift into high gear.

Three distinct stages

Our services turn the dreams of Quebec tech startups into reality, thanks to the expertise and resources dedicated to their growth.
We offer three distinct phases, adapted to the three growth stages of tech startups:


Stage VO

In 2025, in partnership with accelerators and incubators, we will roll out this phase to encourage and gain a better understanding of international opportunities. This service is offered to startups born for the international scene, in the midst of defining and validating their business model.


Stage V

In 2024, a selection of startups with strong export potential, who have already made their first sales. They benefit from special access and support to shift into high gear and optimize their international growth.


Stage V_Max

In addition, by 2025, young scaleups ready to conquer new markets will be supported. This service helps to accelerate their expansion and maximize their benefits.

Our service offering is inspired by kinetics, a discipline that regulates the movement of objects by describing trajectories, speeds and accelerations. This analogy is a nod to our goal: to help startups move up a gear.

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The Québec Tech experience

From reference to export, thanks to personalized support


Referral by pre-qualified actors


Québec Tech Experience: modular and personalized services


Acceleration of international commercialization of businesses

The journey of startups within Québec Tech

Move on to Stage V

Our goal for Stage V? To elevate selected startups with marketing experience to the early stage of scaleups ($5-10 million in annual sales).

Our interventions are tailored to each startup's industry and stage of development, offering à la carte services and cross-functional resources:

AXIS I: Market Readiness

  • Get referrals to relevant funding sources.
  • Access data and business intelligence for better decision-making.
  • Define and validate your international go-to-market strategy.
  • Set up or optimize your sales force.
  • Understand international legal and tax compliance and structuring.

AXIS II: Credibility and Recognition in the Marketplace

  • Access first-time adopters and first customers in Canada (Startup Tour and Ignite Sweden).
  • Connect with CEOs of major corporations.
  • Access a circle of major connectors to generate qualified leads.
  • Promote your products and services.
  • Strengthen public relations and outreach.

AXIS III: Market Acquisition

  • Meet industry experts to activate leads.
  • Improve sales cycle follow-up and market consolidation.
  • Participate in industry-specific export missions.

Each startup will benefit from peer-to-peer learning and access to a dedicated team, comprising :

  • An account manager and a team of advisers,
  • A mobile team of professionals.
  • Entrepreneurs with international sales experience (Ambassador Network).

Practical Information

Reference organizations

2 Degrés
Admare Bioinnovations
CDL - Next AI
CTS Santé
Cycle Momentum
District 3
Espace inc.
Esplanade Québec
Garage & Co
Groupe 3737
Indie Asylum
La Base entrepreneuriale
MT Lab
McGill Dobson Center

Other pre-qualified partners

PME Montréal, Investissement Québec International and Global Affairs Canada

Eligible Companies

Tech startups headquartered in Quebec, with demonstrated product-market fit and strong growth potential, a realistic business model and good business practices, led by a solid and credible founding team, and with short-term international ambitions.

Important Dates

A first round of recruitment will allow services to begin in the Fall of 2024.

Expected Results: up to 15 startups will be selected each year to move on to Stage V.